This might be old news to seasoned Word and WordPress users but I have just figured out that you can create blog posts in Word. Sure, I knew I could, with varying degrees of success, cut’n’paste from Word etc. but I had no idea about a direct link. There’s a blog template in Word that …
I know it seems like an eternity since we had the last BOUND but we are back with a bang next month on 7 February. The break over Xmas and New Year has allowed us to prepare the year’s schedule and the move to bi-monthly will give us breathing space to produce a better …
One of Nina and I’s students, Benjamin, has gone into the rope business and he’s been doing some rather nice things with my Tossa 5mm. From what we have seen of his rope work, he’s a bit of a perfectionist who likes to get everything right and will practice till he does. As a craftsman by trade, …
Given recent discussions on Fetlife, it seemed a good idea to provide a resource containing some of the excellent advice already written on this subject and any useful links. These links contain advice on establishing limits, negotiation, avoiding misunderstandings, staying safe, identifying manipulation and recognising types of abusers etc. Take the advice as you will. …
Finally, after interminable stays of execution, I can announce that YourMembers, the odious membership plugin that has been the bane of my life, will have its life support turned off in the next couple of days. This should have happened earlier but my software suppliers weren’t able to fit it in before due to unexpected …
I have been looking for an excuse to road test the new Ichiban Light. Fortunately, Gestalta was in town and she was definitely overdue a session. You thought this business was all fun, didn’t you? Well, as you can see, this product testing is a serious business and part of the daily grind…erh, not literally. …
I just looked at some competitors prices for hemp and jute rope. I can’t believe you are often paying double what I charge at ESINEM-Rope for 8 x 8m! In fact, probably more as most seem to charge shipping on top where as I post free anywhere by Airmail or 1st Class Mail. Since I …
I have made a number of revisions to my original nerve damage study in the light of experience, discussions with models, fellow riggers and my teachers in Japan, further study of how the top Japanese riggers tie and access to better medical modelling software. That said, we are all different and there will never be …
I have long suspected that there is a dark and sinister, and not in a good way, side to our scene. I have heard too many stories about limits being pushed beyond what is acceptable, in some cases serially. It is a short step from gently extending limits to abuse or rape. Too often, this …
I have just added a rope comparison chart to my ‘Rope choice & care‘ page on ESINEM-Rope to help you compare colour and diameter of all my rope stock. I will also be adding a video on the problems of measuring rope diameter shortly. It is not as easy as it might sound.