Osada Steve tuition dates
From the second week in August, I will be hosting private shibari tuition and exclusive master classes by Osada Steve in London. He will be available from 14-21 August for private tuition at my studio in south London and will be holding intimate master classes to ensure individual tuition for maximum benefit to attendees.
You can book for the master classes here or message me for private tuition bookings.
Steve has studied with some of Japan’s legends, most recently with Yukimura, grand master of floor-work. This, combined with over three decades of experience, means he is able to give an unique insight into the deeper secrets of kinbaku. The real power of rope is not in replicating pretty patterns by how you use it and how you read your partner. Nobody understood this better than Yukimura. Whilst, sadly, the sensei died a few years ago, he was fortunately able to pass his skills onto a few people like Steve.

Osada Steve talks about kinbaku
If you are interested in the deeper aspects of kinbaku and also want to learn a bit more about Steve and his approach, here are all the segments from our discussions the last time he was here.