Somewhat belated birthday greetings are due to my most successful re-sellers, Jade Rope. My only excuse is busy times at Esinem HQ and our recent trip to Schwelle 7, Berlin, for EURIXE but that’s another story which I will get around to shortly. Here’s a message from the Jade team: Whilst our baby rope store was conceived …
I was very pleased to read this post on Fetlife from Das Falke in Berlin who recently order 5 reels of my new delivery of Tossa Lite: “This Tossa Lite is walking out the door I must say. The more knowledgeable and discerning riggers seem to recognise that Tossa Lite has many of the attributes …
As you will have seen, Nina is tying more and more, so she is not always available to model for me and sometimes we need another model in addition to MaYa for shoots, shows etc. As you might know, some of our work is pretty high profile, e.g. Primal Scream, Tom Ford, CH4, Mert & …
Japanese shibari master Kazami Ranki will be back in London from the beginning of May for 12 days. He will be running a 5-day advanced kinbaku course for couples and offering private tuition. He will also be performing at Torture Garden on 10 and 11 May. Bookings 5-day course The cost per couple is …
Milla Reika recently sent a couple of clips of Kazami doing what he does best, being mean 🙂 The more observant amongst you might recognise the lovely Miho as his hapless victim. If you were lucky enough to have been at LFAJRB 2011, you will have seen her as the model in Otonawa’s performance. [jwplayer …
Over the last couple of years, the Japanese bondage scene has changed beyond recognition. A few years ago, there were a handful of people who were tying to any standard that would pass muster in Japan but now they are coming out of the woodwork. To a very large extent, this has been down to …
I’ll be attending EURIXE (European Rigger Exchange) at Schwelle 7, so will be in Berlin 22-29 April. This means that I will have some free time during evenings and on the last weekend for giving private lessons. Having had a wide range of teachers, rather than adhere rigidly to any one school, I draw on …
I had heard about London Dungeon Hire many times but had never been there. Recently, Nina and I were there to film a small sequence for a documentary on Captain Howdy and his Mrs, called ‘Hooked’. I have to say the approach belies what lies inside. LDH is located in a fairly typical post-war local …