I was very pleased to read this post on Fetlife from Das Falke in Berlin who recently order 5 reels of my new delivery of Tossa Lite:
“This Tossa Lite is walking out the door I must say. The more knowledgeable and discerning riggers seem to recognise that Tossa Lite has many of the attributes of the Japanese style more loosely wound ropes, but with a great deal more durability.
This stuff rocks. Kudos for developing it Bruce.
Great rope. Great to tie with. Great to stock. I’ll be placing another order quite soon methinks!”
I can’t claim credit for developing it but it did take a lot of persistence to track it down, followed by a 6 month wait for delivery after being quoted 3. It was definitely worth the wait but the unpredictability of lead time will make it hard to know when I should re-order.
Trade business have been keeping me busy with orders pouring in for the variants in the Asanawa range thanks to Jade Rope, Mauikink, Sensual Contact, Jakara Rope and many more. The latest deliveries of Tossa and the original loose laid Asanawa both seem to be using an even better fibre. The Tossa a much more blonde now, a sign of a superior fibre and the Asanawa has more ‘body’ and takes a shine with use. You can read all about the complexities of fibre grading and types in ‘More than you ever wanted to know about grading jute for rope‘.