My friend Shadow, a lady rigger from Belgium, gave me some 2-ply coconut fibre rope some while ago after finding it a junk shop. It has the feel of a doormat and sheds horrendous amounts of fibres. She told me I was the sort of mean and nasty man who might appreciate it. I can’t …
For all those novices champing at the bit for an intermediate class, book it here and with 30% off! Redeem your coupon here after payment using code: p9m4d3t3 Saturday, 31 March, at my south London studio. I don’t hold these often so this is your chance and it might be the last one as I …
I know it’s been a few days since the last update but I can assure you it will be worth the wait. We have been doing a few shoots which is why it has been a little quiet. The featured image is from one last weekend with Nina, shot by HomAge, now in the gallery. …
The Japanese speakers will particularly enjoy the title of this picture, 不信のサスペンション (Suspension of Disbelief), featuring Nina by HomAge. It is the notorious and rarely performed 写真屋吊り (foto-mise or foto-shoppu tsuri). This should not be attempted without personal instruction from the Grand Nawashi who sits atop Mt Fuji. On a recent visit, I was fortunate …
After some indecision as to what to wear for this session, Nina decided to go with the Lady Godiva look for the sake of simplicity. Well, OK, probably just laziness actually, but it’s always a good look in my book. As we were expecting MaYa Homerton to arrive at any moment, I didn’t get the …
Nina, my protégé, has just done a superb session tonight with MaYa Homerton, a very sultry Spanish model with, amongst others, an amazing full back dragon tattoo. She is finally overcoming her nervousness of tying under my watchful eye and showing what she can do. The hours of study of Sugiura’s photos and repeated watching …
I am running a class for those who need to be brought up to standard or wish to learn the 3-rope takate kote. Students will require a basic understanding of authentic techniques, i.e. as taught by Kinoko Hajime, Osada Steve etc. A solid understanding of the takate-kote (aka gote, aka box tie) is the basis …
Full members will get 15% off anything from my Ebay store this month. So for example, if you buy my shibari tutorial DVDs, you will save the cost of a month’s membership and have some change left over. The discount coupon is available below if you have subscribed as a paid member. [private] Thanks for …
Jenis, Nina and I had already been invited to join the UK riggers’ stage by Kobal1 but I have just heard from Andreas that I have a slot on the main stage too. The UK riggers’ contingent will include: Riggers: Kobal1, Captive Kink, Cuffkey1, Esinem, Nina, Jenis & Footman John Models: persephone13, bratt, whitecell, Jenis, …
FDL are still trying to get some sense out of PayPal but meanwhile they have signed up with WeGotTickets. WGT did a great job for us with the ticketing for London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage, so I’m very happy FDL are using them. You can get tickets here Just scroll down to …