FDL are still trying to get some sense out of PayPal but meanwhile they have signed up with WeGotTickets. WGT did a great job for us with the ticketing for London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage, so I’m very happy FDL are using them.
Just scroll down to the appropriate listing and the ticket purchase options are at the bottom of the event description. Buy early-bird tickets now for only £8 and save nearly 50% on the door price.
On the subject of payment processing, I recently tried to sign up with CCBill to offer an alternative to Zombaio. Whilst I’m very happy with Zombaio in all other respects, to say their tech support is abysmal would be charitable. They simply don’t respond to support tickets unless you make disparaging remarks on the Go Fuck Yourself adult webmasters forum, where one of their directors is a member. It is surely no coincidence that seems to prompt an immediate response.
Anyway, back to CCBill. I got knocked back initially on the photos of my show at Wasteland with Ika Noir because there was some fake blood! When I queried this, they then said that weapons (knife play) and breath control, even a hand over nose and mouth, was against their AUP. WTF?! I thought they were an adult payment processor?! I mean you get all that, plus a bit of bondage if you are lucky, in a cowboys and…erh, ‘native Americans’ (is that the PC term these days?) movies on TV or you did when I was a kid. Mind you, in those days, the Lone Ranger got away with calling his native American side-kick Tonto which, as Spanish speakers will know, translates as ‘stupid’ 🙂 I can hardly believe this slipped past the script writer and production team unnoticed.
Hopefully, Netherlands based Verotel will be more accomodating as their content policy only seems to draw the line at the real no-no’s that cannot even be mentioned on most forums. I will investigate.