For all those novices champing at the bit for an intermediate class, book it here and with 30% off! Redeem your coupon here after payment using code: p9m4d3t3
Saturday, 31 March, at my south London studio. I don’t hold these often so this is your chance and it might be the last one as I will be re-formatting my classes into a more modular form.
Suitable for those who have attended the introductory shibari course or have some experience in Japanese bondage. You might already know the technical side of tying but I can guarantee that you will learn far more than this. Even being able to tie a takate-kote blindfold, I spent 2 very productive hours with Osada Steve just on this tie last summer. If you can’t tie one like this demonstration from a recent course in Madrid, you will benefit from this class:
Esinem at Fetterati from Toni Chaptom on Vimeo.
The course is designed to build on those skills and to use them to create more complex work. There will also be an introduction to floor-based suspension techniques. See below for syllabus (subject to change):
• Assessment of skills/revision
• Review of safety issues
• Forced bow
• Takate-kote (box-tie)
• Partial suspension
• Creating positions for ‘play’