I recently ran intermediate and advanced courses in which I taught the standard OS TK (actually more correctly called a ‘gote or ‘gote shibari as it does not exhibit the typical ‘high hand’ position) and revised the tie with those who professed to know it. Almost all of those who already had a good idea …
The first meeting of The Knot was a great success with quite a few familiar faces and some new ones. It ran very much as I intended with a lot of creative trying by the more experienced riggers and the newbies learning a lot. Jenis and Nina were a great asset as they were also …
We are in the early stages of setting up a show night for shibari fans at the Flying Dutchman in South London, near my studio. In fact, so early that we haven’t even come up with a name for the night. The FD is a fantastic new venue that recently hosted the official Torture Garden …
Bob Ropemarks recently had an unfortunate incident at a big show: a rope broke and his model fell. Luckily, no great harm was done but there might be some lessons to be drawn. I applaud Bob for making an account of the incident public. As Bob points out, the most likely cause was the sawing …
An expose of what really goes on inside Japanese Love Hotels 🙂 This is so wonderfully wrong! Abused Room : D⚡I from Remo Camerota on Vimeo. Abused Room: Harajuku Girls meet Aphex Twin! This Video is Produced & Directed by Remo Camerota and Roger Bolton. It was commissioned by D⚡I and is their Debut single. …
Some of you will have already seen the video of the performance at Legarti in Rome that I did with Nina, aka fiammi. If you haven’t here it is. Click on the image to see the video. As you’ll see, she is an amazing performance model who clearly loves rope. We will be doing a …
Written by Rida after a newaza session with me at Kinoko’s ‘Sleeping Beauty’ happening bar during the Toubaku week. I take her words as a great compliment as they echo my feelings about the session and express very eloquently what effect kinbaku can have when one uses the rope and doesn’t just tie mechanically. It …
The time has come to establish an ‘inner circle’ for those with a serious interest in kinbaku to enable them to further their skills under expert guidance. The idea is for a mentored workshop, where participants can practice, ask advice, watch and meet others or have their work critiqued. This goes beyond the peer workshop …