Understanding how, when and why suspension lines break is key to avoiding accidents. If you don’t know the hazards, it is easy to make mistakes and this is one area where you cannot afford them as they could result in serious injury or even death. As they say, there are no accidents, only pilot error. …
Beyond ‘Tying people, not parcels’ In my first shibari tutorials for beginners, ‘Japanese Rope Bondage: Tying people, not parcels‘, my focus was on teaching ties and how to perform them with connection. In ‘Shibari: The Easy Way‘, we develop this approach further by both simplifying learning by explaining the basic building blocks and by teaching …
I read a post in Rope Incidents on Fetlife entitled ‘Mainline rope break on deadlift’ (you need to be logged in as a member to see it) which prompted this heads-up. Fortunately, it didn’t involve the model being dropped but it could easily have ended in serious injury. These incidents are becoming far too common in shibari …
This experiment shows the effect of tension in a gote (TK). Correct tension and wrap position are key to tying a safe gote/TK. It is a common error to tie unnecessarily tightly, often to try to make poorly positioned wraps stay in place. This somewhat crude experiment shows how the forces increase exponentially with wrap …
We have been upgrading production standards further at ShibariClasses. I have recently bought my own second camera, a Canon 700D, since before I was borrowing one previously from Mo, who helps out with BOUND. Having my own second camera should mean that I can calibrate them closely and leave them that way to give consistent …
This site, Bio Digital Human, is a great resource for getting to know the human body from the inside. It provides a 3-D view of the body which can be rotated and zoomed into. One of the uses is to get a good visual appreciation of roughly where the important nerves run. Note that I …
A recent discussion on my Fetlife kinbaku group threw up an interesting misnomer concerning the potential nerve vulnerability on the inner side of the arm. It’s quite possible we were talking at cross purposes but since “The TK” (actually a whole family of ties) is getting some undeservedly bad press, I think it’s worth clarifying where …
Here’s something for you to try at home. Pah! It might look really clever and dangerous but anyone who has a motorbike can do these stunts with a couple of hours practice and no formal tuition. Trust me 😉 How hard can it be? It all seems pretty straight forward, you just point your bike …
As you will know, I have done a fair bit of research into avoiding nerve injury. The main problem is the differing sensitivities and nerve paths between people. The medical diagrams are a guide, not a definitive representation of how everyone is. We all have different shapes and proportions, which, of course, is determined by …
This is a question that I am sometimes asked. The consensus from manufacturers seems to be a maximum load of 250kg. They don’t seem to qualify if this is the maximum load or maximum user weight. One assumes this relates to the users weight, so one can halve that for a single ring as it is likely to be …