I just had sample orders of 3 types of rings come in. I’m delighted with the wood and steel tubing ones, which are 230mm/9″ in diameter like my trademark ring. You can see them here with fuller descriptions. However, you won’t see the ABS ones listed in my rope shop as shibari rings as they …
I really must apologise for the site outages this week. I have been trying to get to the bottom of the issue but am getting confusing replies. Some months ago, I was told that my server needed upgrading to a new 100% reliable Xen server, so that’s what I did (see header image). When this …
It is worth checking back on articles as I often add updates if further thoughts occur or information is otherwise updated. I have decided that this will provide easier and less confusing access to information via a limited number of articles, rather than a multitude of posts on the same or very similar subjects. It …
Recently, a thread was started on Fetlife by somebody who was nervous about buying from my eBay shop having had previous bad experiences online. Here are some comments from the thread. Unbelievably, they were entirely unsolicited and no bribes changed hands! “Esinem’s reputation here on FetLife is pretty much above reproach. My purchase of his …
Things are moving ahead. I have a secondhand AP Dillon 15,000lb/6800kg dynamometer arriving in the next day or two. Admittedly, it’s overkill but it was a tiny fraction of its new cost, so was an irresistable bargain. Here’s the brochure which will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about it. In simple …
My time off from performing is paying off. I have finally added live webcam streaming to the new members area. When it is out of test mode, full members will be able to see live sessions, random moments at Chez Esinem and, hopefully, I will be able to stream performances at BOUND and other events. …
I have just unearthed one from the archives of a session which I shot with Eden about 3 years ago for Fetish Movies. I had forgotten what fun it was and quite how nicely shot. Anyway, this was my second session with her after the soft and fluffy African Rose video and I decided to …
I’ve been busy the past few days editing some of my massive backlog of videos. Given Kazami’s impending visit to London and course from 4-8 May, I thought I should get some of his work up on-line. Consequently, I have uploaded videos of his performances at Toubaku and LFAJRB 2011. The former must be the …
I’d like to give members a chance to tell me how they would like to see the site develop, so I have put up a simple poll. We have a lot of projects and possibilities so it is really a question of gauging what you want from my site. Should we be shooting more sessions? …
Having been introduced to Jewell some months ago at Torture Garden by my good friend Adam Anarchy, the conversation inevitably turned to our favourite subject, bondage. For those of you who don’t know, Wiki describes her thus: “Jewell Marceau (born April 12, 1975 in Virginia Beach, Virginia) is a pornographic director, producer and performer who …