It is good to have one’s thoughts confirmed by others. As the regulars will know, I have drawn constant parallels between dance and shibari. Here is something from ShigonawaBingo, translated by Rida. [private] ダンスDance 感情や意思)の伝達、表現、交流などを目的とした、一定の時間と空間内に展開されるリズミカルな身体)動作。 Rhythmical Body movements performed in a given space and in a give time frame, as a way to exchange, share …
I hate to say it but I saw a list of dates for last suggested posting dates for Xmas (you know, that traditional Yule/Winter Solstice highjacked by the Christians) in the post office yesterday. Some more far flung destinations need you to post by 5 December. Bearing in mind that not all orders go out …
Nina and I are starting to plan the second set of shibari tutorials. These will to continue from where ‘Tying people, not parcels’ left off and to develop this theme. Some years ago, whilst discussing sex and bondage with the late Prof Petruska Clarkson of Harley Street, she said “most people treat sex like cleaning …
I have just loaded up a gallery of photos of our ‘Bob the Builder’ show by the very talented Izaskun Gonzalez. They galleries contain duplicates but these have been subjected to Izas’s uniquely distinctive post-production for a very different feel. Check back over the next couple of days as there will be more of Nina. …
As those who follow my ranting will know, I regard Douglas Kent’s ‘Complete Shibari’ tutorials like the curate’s egg: good in parts. The good parts are excellent and well-researched but in others he is clearly out of his depth or venturing into ‘shambari’. In many ways, he has raised the bar in bondage tutorials with …
For one week, I am offering 15% of almost all the jute and linen hemp shibari rope in my eBay shop to make way for my new deliveries of reinforced jute and more tossa. So grab a mid-month bargain while you can!
I hate to disappoint but, no, I haven’t made centre-fold nor will you see me in a bunny costume but I am in Polish Playboy. In fact, apart from a photo of Electric Faerie and I at LFAJRB from a couple of years ago and a few names that I recognise, it is all a …
My suppliers have finally been in touch to tell me that they still don’t know when the new stocks of 5mm and 6mm Tossa Lite will be in. It looks to be unlikely that I’ll see them this side of Xmas apparently, which inevitably means not until the New Year as very little moves between …
Right on time, the samples of the new reinforced jute arrived this morning. As an added bonus, I discovered they can also do a 4mm version which is good as rope always seems to put on an extra 1mm when you treat it or be slightly over specification in diameter. Admittedly, it’s hard to measure …
No doubt there are those who think I should be safely locked away to protect society but I hate to disappoint them, I intend to remain at large until they catch me. So far, whilst visiting a couple of friends who have not managed to stay below the radar, I have managed to slip in …