We were doing an experimental shoot with this evening with MaYa as model and, as is often our practice, a dog-earned copy of one of Sugiura’s books for tying inspiration. As most of his photos seem to feature old style rigs on bamboo, we set up the pole and the newly recovered backdrops I had …
I recently received an email from a self-professed “local known expert” and veteran educator of some 20 years experience after making my post asking what could be done, if anything, to protect people from incompetent teachers. His reply was strewn with personal insults and made light of my concerns over nerve damage saying: “Nerve issues …
It struck me recently that the only information we have on the loading of the wraps of a box-tie is anecdotal and we take it largely on trust that the inverted-Y is usually the best way of attaching a suspension line. I have speculate elsewhere that it might actually distribute load better if both wraps …
A strong plywood ring turned to 1″ (25mm) which is a slightly more compact and slimmer version of the one seen in almost all of my photos and shows. At around 5.75 ounces (160g), it is around the same weight as a hank of rope. It won’t weigh down you rope bag, so is perfect …
Razami Ranki, veteran of 1,000’s of kinbaku and SM videos, will be holding a 4-day suspension master class prior to the Festival and also has a few 2 hour private tuition slots. No doubt you have heard the fantastic feedback after his last series of classes earlier this year when he stood in for Osada …
On the evenings of Tuesday 28 August and 4 September, I am running two classes which are perfect for those either starting out with suspension or who would like to learn to suspend more elegantly and safely. This is a subject that seems rarely to be taught with the right depth. Sure, there are a …
I have just posted a lot of new classes for all levels here. These include repeats of the popular ‘Bondage for Sex & Play’ and erotic techniques of ‘Tying people, not parcels’, the latter being suitable for all levels and applicable to any style of bondage, plus new classes on suspension hip harnesses and my …
Last night at BOUND, we had a rope break incident. Fortunately, nobody got hurt. Wildties was finishing an astounding show, full of energy and dramatic transitions, when he decided to end on a single ankle suspension but as he began the lift, the rope snapped. Here’s exactly what happened. Gorgone, his model, was on the …
This weekend seems to have become Shibari Weekend. On Friday, there’s BOUND with special guests, Riccardo Wildties (Italy) and Gorgone (France), plus a great line up which includes WykD_Dave and Clover. Last month, Nina ran a spectacular night and made a lot of improvements. Don’t miss it this month. On Saturday, Wildties of Kinbaku LuXuria …
BOUND presents a master class with Riccardo Wildties of Kinbaku LuXuria on Saturday 4 August from 11am-6pm. Riccardo Sergnese aka Wildties, is an Italian rigger and rope artist currently based inParis. He is the name behind Kinbaku LuXuria, which he runs with Gorgone and Loki, French bondage models and with the Italian bondage model, Red …