My new tutorial DVDs, ‘Japanese Rope Bondage: Tying people, not parcels’, have been selling very well and getting rave reviews. We have exceeded all our most optimistic sales targets, in spite of a hiccup caused by some faulty media on the first NTSC version. Fortunately, I chose an excellent supplier who promptly re-pressed the entire …
It was observed on one of the forums that many of the Japanese rope masters, e.g. Randa Mai, Arisue Go, Osada Steve, seem to start a takate-kote in much the same way. Namely, the wrist tie commences with the bight passing upwards between the wrists and the back, then completed as a standard single column …
I discovered this video in which Randa Mai shows how he rigs a suspension point and discusses kinbaku. There are also links to various other videos of his work in this article. [private] Here’s a link to his web site. You’ll find the photo gallery here and video here. [/private]
I seem to have finally got to grips with the gallery plug-in! This means that the gallery uploads are gathering pace. So far, there are 29 photo galleries, some with 150 or so pictures, and 8 videos uploaded. Unless, you are logged in, you won’t see all the content. Free members will see some of …
Here’s a seasonal preview from my session with Jewell Marceau to wish you Yuletide greetings. I hope you enjoy the final results, which will include video and stills. We shot some typical ‘damsel in distress’, as this is what Jewell is best known for (…well, there are a couple of other things she is well …
I found these definitions in a book on NLP but I’m sure they have cropped up before. Anyway, they apply very much to learning to use rope. I say “use rope” as opposed to knowing how to tie as I think they are very different. Knowing how to tie is the technical bit in my …
I have just posted a series of unique signed photos by Sugiura featuring the work of Osada Steve, Naka Akira, Honda Sumio and Nureki Chimuo, which are for sale at £250 each. These are very collectable as it is unheard of for him to sign prints. If you don’t know Sugiura’s work, you have to …
No, I’m not referring to the impeding excesses of the festive season. Due to minimum purchase quantities on jute yarn, my supplier has tripled my orders for 5mm tossa and 6mm Asanawa so there will be no shortage in a week or two when it arrives. I have also got 7,500m of 5mm linen coming …
It appears that some copies of Volume I of my Japanese Rope Bondage DVDs have a media fault which causes skipping and breaking up, especially in the safety section. Fortunately, this section is repeated on Volume II and plays perfectly. My suppliers are re-pressing and will have these available next week. Please email with …
I recently read an on-line guide that suggested that nerve damage was the result of “prolonged pressure” on a nerve. This is most definitley not the only way it can happen Here’s an incident report showing it happening in seconds. [private] “I did a self-suspension a few days ago and seem to have some minor nerve damage. …