I have finally had a bit of time to upload some of the photos we have been taking recently. The first set is an informal session with our sultry Spanish model, MaYa Homerton in my living-room, the other with Kazami Ranki and Gestalta, who is now his official UK model. Kazami-san has a true eye for ‘beautiful suffering’ as his suspensions are both breath-takingly elegantly arranged but also extremely tough in many cases.
As we didn’t have photo passes, we didn’t get any shots of his shows on HMS President or at the Coronet. Fortunately, Bobette captured a whole series from his shows on Saturday at the main party (see gallery on LondonFetishScene) with Gestalta, Roxanne (probably the sexiest French lady I know) and another girl who I clearly missed being tied. There are also a few by our wonderful regular BOUND photographer, Manolo Remiddi.
Patrick Siboni should be coming up with some superb shots as usual as I know he photographed a number of Kazami’s shows…watch this space…