I have added a few new classes. As a result of several requests, I have slotted Bondage for Sex and Play into the schedule again. This class does what it says on the label, it shows a number of simple and sometimes ingenious ties for getting your partner just where you want them for your mutual pleasure using authentic shibari techniques. After all, the purpose of shibari is often to create exposed positions for practicality or to provoke emotions, e.g. ‘suuchi’ which might be translated as embarrassment through shyness.
As an increasing number of riggers wish to become stars or aspire to performing, I will be holding a class on rope stage craft to help turn demonstrations into shows that grab your audience. I have been performing for nearly a decade and have appeared at events all over the world, on national TV and have been involved in many prestigious projects, so have unparalled experience backed by tuition from some of Japan’s most repsected bakushi. The class will cover positioning, movement, the Japanese way and the influence of Bunraku, flow, recovering from mistakes, assessing your audience, what makes a show, chosing a soundtrack and avoiding blunders.
Bored with the same old box-tie (takate-kote) that everybody else is doing at every event and show? Have you ever wondered how you tie that one with the beautiful diamond (hishi) pattern down the front that you might have seen Kazami or Kinoko use? The Hishi Takate-Kote class will explore this version, the general engineering gpals of the t-k and, time permitting, its integration into a hip harness.