Both the companies that re-direct and host my Members Area,, chose the past few days to upgrade their servers. In spite of passing on the instructions given to me regarding the changes to the relevant tech support departments, it seems we have a few hiccups in the transfer. Had I anticipated any interruptions to the availability, I would have forewarned you but I was expecting this all to be seamless. I can only apologise for any inaccessibility you might have experienced in the past couple of days and can assure you everything will be resolved very shortly.
The difficulties have taken longer to iron out as changes to the DNS, i.e. the techie stuff that sends you to the right site, are not immediate, taking a day or so for it to filter through. This means that everything can appear to be OK but you only find out there’s a problem once it propagates and users start complaining. Of course, in the meantime, I have to liaise with support at both ends to diagnose the issue which adds a further layer of delay. Unfortunately, this is what you have been experiencing.
Students of my on-line classes will notice no difference as only a re-direct was affected. The final step is to ensure that ShibariClasses appears in the browser instead of I’m hoping this can be achieved without further issues. However, the Members Area has a brand new server so this should lead to a better service. The good news is I think all is OK with ShibariClasses and final instructions from the company who host my membership side have been passed on to support. Once again, this change will take some hours to take effect. Please be patient a little longer.
All seems OK now!