I apologise for the problems over the weekend due to a virus attack. The source of the problem has been identified and rectified; action has been taken to close possible security holes. The symptoms were a spoof anti-virus, Smart Protection 2012, coming up with warning of a numerous alleged infections. You do not have the viruses listed, it is a con to make you buy their software.
Fortunately, there are various simple solutions if you are plagued by Smart Protection 2012 malware pop-up. I used Malbytes Antimalware. This and other solutions are listed here.
Just when I thought it was all over, I discovered a warning about a Black Hole Exploit Kit. However, this appears to be a legacy of the original problem and has now also been removed.
Please report any further problems using the Contact Form so they can be dealt with promptly. Meanwhile, we are taking additional security precautions.