NinaRuss is running BOUND a fantastic night of shibari shows, plus rope peer workshop and social. We have special guests: Nawakirishin from Taiwan, who performed at Toubaku in Tokyo, coming with self-suspension artist, Mai Maya Yaya and Nancy Wang. We also have Halcyon, a model from France, who is performing with Lotsofknots (UK) and a lot of other great shows from regulars like JackWhipper and Nina. Hedwig, who presented at Stockholm Pride and runs the Hitchin’ Bitches female riggers group, will be giving a short class and is also performing.
As a result of recent media interest, we shot PR pictures for BOUND on Sunday with hundreds of photos, in spite of a somewhat bleary-eyed early start after a late night. We will be posting some very soon but here is a little taster below and in the header from Nina Russ of a rig by me on Gestalta. The standard of pictures is improving in leaps and bounds; I think you’ll agree these are fantastic. You’ll notice the black background. Admittedly, the top is Photoshopped, but we will extending a black backdrop to the ceiling along the back wall and changing the lighting to give a similar effect for shows.
We will also have a selection from Jose Furtado, a Spanish photographer friend of MaYa, to post shortly. The team included Nina and I, MaYa, Gestalta, JackWhipper, Zahara, Pixel_Princess and Opalfruit…and what a team! There are some really great shots. When I get a spare moment, I will be doing some gallery updates but with the backlog, Saturday night’s marathon shoot and now this one, it’s a massive task. Of course, now I can capture from my DV cams, there is that backlog too.
You can still get the £5 early-bird tickets until 22 June so hurry up!