More than 30 hours on detailed instruction
We have just added ‘Nina’s 2-rope gote’ to ‘One and two rope ties’ and to the bundled shibari tutorials, so the $18 ‘Introducing shibari: Mega-bundle’ is even better value way to learn shibari with well over 30 hours of in-depth tutorials to give you a deep understanding. You might already know quite a number of shibari ties but the secret is quality, not quantity. Our shibari tutorials will teach you more than just patterns, they show you the subtle techniques that are key to connecting with your partner. If you want to learn more about this bundle, see my past articles.
Nina’s 2-TK
Nina’s 2-rope gote is her interpretation of a simple old-style two-rope gote which provides a refreshing change from the ubiquitous Akechi-style 2-TK, which is probably the first gote that we all learned. It builds on the 1-rope version also included in the bundle and ‘One and two rope ties’. This gote provides a logical progression and an excellent example of building ties using ingredients. Our modular approach to building ties makes learning shibari very logical, much faster and easier to learn.
Purchase or ‘all you can eat’ access
You might not be aware but we have changed our pricing plans for our shibari tutorials and courses significantly. We now offer you the option of buying lifetime access to individual courses and tutorials or a Netflix style subscription to all those by Nina and Esinem for beginner and intermediate level shibari tuition.
Not knowing what you don’t know
Don’t be mislead by my use of the terms “beginner and intermediate levels”. I know many people consider themselves advanced shibari riggers because they are performing suspensions and complex ties. However, it is my experience that most students over-estimate their knowledge of shibari because they don’t know what they don’t know. This is often the consequence of never having had high-level tuition, such as one to one lessons with Japanese masters. You won’t learn these advanced techniques from YouTube or from the flood of relatively inexperienced teachers.
Shibari is a whole lot more than just replicating patterns or doing a suspension. The devil is in the detail. It took me years to understand why people like Yukimura were considered grand-masters. A lot of his rope work looked beginner level and sometimes even messy to my uneducated eye. What I didn’t realise was the sublety of how he was interacting with his models and using the rope. We, at ShibariClasses, are passionate about teaching ‘tying people, not parcels’, since this is the real magic of kinbaku. Kinbaku is shibari plus passion. If you want to delve deeper into connective tying, we also have a wide selection of classes by Osada Steve who studied with Yukimura for many years and has been performing and teaching in Japan for 30+ years.