The video gallery now has over 150 videos and not just short clips, some are over an hour! We have recently added two lightly edited sessions by Nina with Maya running to over 90 minutes of tough kinbaku. As Nina shows, it’s not the size of the dog but the size of the fight in the dog 🙂 On a more educational bent, and that’s not to say that you can’t learn a lot from watching sessions attentively, we also have some short tutorials.
The most important tutorial is a rule Nina devised to demystify that simple, but oh so tricky, single column tie knot. You know, that one that works one time but collapses another and you have no idea why. It’s all a question of the direction of the twist. Oddly, it seems to make no difference which way you make the twist with a double column. If you really can’t get it, I have devised a fool-proof method. As a well-qualified fool, you can be assured that it has resisted my best efforts to get it wrong. Granted, it is a little slower and bulkier but it does what it says on the label.
After a few people recently asked about hair ties, we did a quick video showing one based on Naka Akira’s teaching and another that I really can’t recall where it came from that relies on doubling back the hair. Personally, I think Naka-san has it right.
Another thread on a rope break reminded me to make a very short video to illustrate how angled karabiners are almost a dead cert for a rope jam or bad friction if you run more than one set of ropes through them. I suspect this has severely increased the load in some incidents leading to rope breaks. It takes very little extra resistance to put thinner natural fibre ropes into dangerous territory even with the best prime condition rope and a feather-light pro model.
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