As you can see this, it means the migration to the new server is complete. Hopefully, they have set everything up right and this will the end of a worsening nightmare. The past few weeks the old server was clogging up each night and there were various cock-ups due to miscommunications that made the upgrade less than seamless. The past 24 hours have been horrendous with email outages and various people reporting it inaccessible. Consequently, I’ve spent half the day doing battle with tech support after seeing an error message around 8am this morning. That might not seem early to you 9-5’s but my day ended at 4am this morning.
Let me know what difference you experience in performance by using the comments option. Your feedback will help me decide if further measures are required. Everything seems a lot faster my end but anything would compared to some response times I experienced over the past weeks.
I’m no computer expert but, really, how hard is it to comprehend “Yes, I have already changed the name server”? or answer direct questions like “When are you doing the change-over? What do I need to do my end?”. Anyway, hopefully, I can stop banging my head on my keyboard and get back to business. There’s that back-log of editing and uploads to get around to…
The Bad News
I have just been told some of the original video galleries don’t work. I now realise this is a result of changing the plug-in I was using to JWPlayer from a rather obscure one.
The Good News
It seems that all I need to do is to make some fairly straightforward coding changes to the affected videos and all should be good. I am taking a look right now and it should be sorted soon.
On the positive side, all the newer videos are unaffected and my first user comment is “Wooow! Uploads supersonically fast!!”