We have been labouring away in the deepest recesses of the secret laboratories at Chez Esinem to develop the technology to help customers choose the right bondage rope for them. For too long, customers, especially newcomers, have been as spoiled for choice like a kiddy in a sweetie shop. So many ropes but what’s the difference? One man’s meat is another’s poison. Choosing the right rope makes a huge difference to how it handles, looks and feels, so it’s very important.
Using bleeding-edge artificial intelligence…erh, well actually, a cunning little program rather appropriately called Twine, we have created Rope-bot! This friendly little fellow will guide to you to narrow down your choices from the staggering range at the ESINEM-Rope emporium, according to your criteria.
Meet Rope-bot! Give him a try. It’s just a test version, so a little basic still, but I think it could have potential. I’ll be adding much more soon, including more links, weight per metre and ultra close-ups. Hopefully, he will become the oracle of everything you ever wanted to know about rope but were afraid to ask. Soon, Rope-bot will become a rope-wiki with every term cross-referenced with the ability to drill down for more and more detail.
UPDATE: Just added microscope close-ups and a rope comparison chart with weight per metre, number of yarns etc.