As some of you might already be aware, I have been working with Bob Bentley, a BAFTA winning documentary maker, on a kinbaku project. This started last year after his chance visit to LFAJRB which kindled his interest. Since then, he came to Toubaku with us, been to Berlin and interviewed a whole host of key figures including Osada Steve, Kinoko Hajime, Midori to name but a few. Filming was concluded at the festival in September. I have an inking of how much footage he has shot so I know it will be a mammoth editing jobs with a lot of hard decisions. He has produced a teaser which I shall be asking if I can post here.
Meanwhile, Hebari from Australia has been working on ‘Love and Rope Performance’, which will have a lot of content from LFAJRB 2011. I have copies of that footage and as soon as I have a moment will be uploading some of the shows.
Whilst cruising Zamil’s site, Kinbaku Art, I came across news of a German documentary just out called: Shibari – Gefesselte Lust (uncut). This DVD is a documentary containing show footage as well as interviews with international artists such as Osada Steve, Phillipe Boxis, Lee Harrington and, of course, Zamil himself.
In addition, we already have Kinbaku (Hakalax Productions), Bakushi and Nawa-shi (Kinoko Hajime). The latter two are both in Japanese but somewhere I have a rare sub-titled version of Bakushi…if only I could find it.