Last weekend, Emma and Thomas hosted my ‘Tying people, not parcels’ class in their uber-stylish erotic shop in Malmo, Sweden, Justine & Julliette In case you were wondering about the name, Justine and Juliette are two young ladies who feature in one of De Sade’s novels, Justine. There are no blacked out windows here or seedy customers in grubby raincoats. This is SM shopping at it’s best in a luxurious boutique with antique carpets and decadent antiques. Everything here ouses good taste from the fillagree masks to the Lelo vibrators, shiny instruments of exqusite torture and delights in wooden glass fronted cabinets, books for all predelictions including a massive tome of Tom of Finalnd that looks like it would sink the Titanic! Of course, they also carry my rope and DVDs.
The owners, recently married, are a delightful couple who will give you every assistance and, being vegan, can even fit you out with unique animal-friendly range of restraints from their compamy, Vegan Kink. We are not talking about cheap leatherette rubbish. They use a high grade microfibre material used for sports shoes and are so confident of its durability that they offer a 10 year guarantee. The header image shows Nina putting the finishing touches to the mannequin that we bound, while Thomas admires her handiwork and takes a well-earned break from wallpapering one of the showrooms.