I have just heard that the delivery is in the UK and will arrive with me on 2 January. I think this ready-to-use rope will take the market by storm 😉
-End of update-
I am just closing a deal for and initial batch 1,800 x 8m lengths of super soft and very blonde 6mm jute. If it is as good as the sample, the new Ichiban Light, will take the market by storm and raise the bar for quality once again. Each ply is made from 10 very clean pale double yarns, a construction that has proven very stable and long lasting in my Tossa range. It is loose laid (low twist rate) but not so much so that it threatens to open up, nor is it too tight, it has just the right density to allow it to make sharp turns and compact nicely. Given the feel and handling of this rope washing is completely unnecessary. Just oil or wax and you are ready to go.
Above in the article header, you can see a mock up of the retail packaging made up by my supplier within minutes of sending the layout file. The eagle-eyed might notice the extra detail of whipping in addition to the usual single knots. I have been very impressed by their responsiveness and eagerness to please. It seems that we could do some very good business as this initial purchase looks highly promising.You will love the new rope. Having already shipped my rope to Japan from time to time, this might become more common as the Ichiban Light is a match for their best products. Certainly, Japanese rope has always been the gold standard but there have been a few rumours about quality dropping off there and can’t hep wondering if this is a result of having to cater to mass markets due to the increasing popularity of kinbaku or maybe they don’t think those to whom they export are not as discerning as local customers. Of course, it could be as simple as somebody getting a ‘Friday afternoon’ batch or some iffy fibre. The latter is always a possibility when dealing with a natural fibre.
Nina and I can’t wait for it to arrive but, unfortunately, we will have to as the shipping will be around 30 days. If it’s as successful as I hope it will be, I will be asking about other sizes. However, the 6mm seems spot on diameter-wise so I think it will be the best seller. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted about the progress of the delivery and make you everyone knows when it arrives. I expect I’ll do a promotion to encourage the early adopters. Once others see it, it will sell itself without a doubt. That certainly seems to be the case with my linen hemp as the orders just seem to increase every week. Of course, it is not surprising since massive yarn count (approx 40 per ply!) produces a very clean and well defined rope, making they typical hemp rope which usually has a single figure yarn count seem horribly rustic. I guess not needing to be wet treated and not smelling like a farmyard is a big bonus too. Frankly, I wouldn’t tie a load on the back of a truck with most of the standard offerings, let alone sculpt fragile human flesh with it. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate the effect of coconut fibre rope on delicate parts as you will have noticed if you watched my live stream session tonight with MaYa 😉