I’ve just been playing with my new HD web cam and all I can say is “Wow!”. The image is crystal clear even with no special lighting in a fairly dim corner of my living room. Here’s an image at maximum zoom at 15 megapixels. You can see what I mean:
The on-board processing seems to have cleared up the blurring on fast motion. The next step is to set up an experimental session on WizIq tonight at 8pm UK time. Join the class here. This will be just an informal class to test technology and set up as much as anything but we hope it will evolve into an useful tutorial or Q& A session. I’d like to see how the set up can be optimised for best video and audio quality as these are key to on-line teaching being viable. I’m optimistic that the technology has now come of age and that my upgrades will pay off. If all is well, I will then start offering much more structured classes and also complete courses.