While she has been staying here the past few days, Gorgone has been working with Mo to finish off her guide to tying her self-designed hip harness. I had the task of doing one of the proof viewings and I can assure you that it’s a very nice piece of work. Like Nina’s, this addresses some of the limitations of the more popular versions in use. By re-cycling the X-friction from “The TK”, i.e. Akechi derivatives, she has made a far more secure harness and, by moving and bracing the frictions, she has made it even suitable for face down suspensions. Some other versions might not be ideal for that position as they can drive the knot into femoral nerve. This is very smart tie ,which follows the Japanese aesthetic to my eye, explained extremely clearly. Well done, Gorgone!
As an aside, this gave me a chance to test the new edit PC. Mo’s project imported flawlessly. What took his ageing Mac laptop from 10:30am to 3pm to export took 8 minutes on mine and I hadn’t even turned on the various go-faster options. Already the pains of giving birth are being assuaged. Hopefully, all the traumas of bringing the new editing monster into the world will soon be a dim memory. Sometime being in a position to marvel at the retentive powers of goldfish has its advantages.
You can find the tutorial in the Members Area Galleries.