I was finally prompted by one of my visitors to upgrade my shibari site for mobiles and tablets. Having had too many new technologies to take on board recently, I had been reluctant to delve into the mobile module. Actually, it seemed surprisingly easy with only a minor bit of reformatting being required and I’m very grateful for having my butt ever so gently kicked.
As result of getting involved with mobile optimisation, I decided to investigate another mysterious area: Google Analytics. Only having a tenuous grasp on GA, my interpretations might not be correct but it looks like mobile users were dropping off the site in droves. I can only assume the rendition was so awful that it was unusable.It seemed OK on my devices so I never checked beyod them.
Having checked the new version on an iPad, Android and Windows phones, all seems good. It will be interesting to see if this reduces the bounce rate to the extraordinarily low levels of the main site which has had a responsive mobile-friendly theme for a long while. Even after less than 48 hours, I have seen dramtic improvement in viewing figures and join rates.
I was also given the heads-up about some very cool sites offering various web site enhancements and optimisation. Looking around at some of their offerings made me realise that there are a lot of improvements that can still be made to the site, so I have resolved to get somebody to give it a facelift now that we have a good solid system running. Cream and cherry on top coming soon!
Happy mobile perving! Let me know if you see anything that needs attention.