Well, I have finally conceded defeat in my on-going battle with this site and employed a grown-up to help me with the finer points of server admin and the more arcane secrets of WordPress set up. This side of things has really been eating up my time that I can’t afford due to having to juggle far too many balls these days. Thanks to a heads-up from my friend Stephano Laforgia, who runs Alcova fetish shop in Rome, I discovered Freelancer.com. The site acts as an intermediary between contractors and employers. The best thing being an eBay style rating system so you can see who delivers good work.
I now have a 5-star rated IT wizard with extensive experience, Jan aka Codetrance from the Netherlands on the job, on the job. His brief is to check all the server side set up to improve security and speed, then make sure the plug-ins are all optimised. So far, he has been tweaking my server and setting up a variety of enhancements which should speed things up by improving memory usage so I we will all notice a difference. I’m hoping we can improve the look and feel of the galleries. You might have noticed that I have been experimenting a little with the formatting already and hope you like the new larger images.
Hopefully, Jan will prove to be all the site claims and we can build an on-going relationship for maintaining and developing the site. If so, this will allow me much more time to work on content. Unfortunately, I have wasted a lot of time on fire-fighting or struggling with IT issues beyond the limits of my experience so I have lost time that could have been used for shooting and writing. Of course, there will be a deluge of material soon from the pre-festival BOUND and LFAJRB itself, so this overhaul of the site will ensure I’m not distracted by keeping it running.
On the To Do list is setting up my own shopm which will be even cheaper for you than my current listings on eBay, Amazon and Albris. Hopefully, I can find a less puritanical payment provider than PayPal so I can expand my listings to includes “sexually orientated material” and other items prohibited by their AUP.