If you are like I was a day or two, you will he asking what the hell is an RSS feed and why would I want one anyway? OK, I apologise to those of you who know all about them and wonder which rock I have been living under not to have one already.
As far as I can figure, it’s a great way for you to keep up to date with what is happening on various web sites without having to keep going to them all to check. To see the content from the sites whose feeds to which you have ‘subscribed’ by clicking the RRS icon, you need an RSS reader to which it can be delivered. A couple of free readers are Google Reader and Bloglines . Here’s an example of what my feed looks like. You can subscribe to my RSS feed by clicking on the orange icon in the right side bar that looks like the one below.
Below my RSS icon, you’ll see the 10 latest site updates. What you’ll get is all the latest material in a single document. It looks a little different to the site as it is in a plainer format but the information is all there, delivered to your doorstep, electronically speaking.
If you are still baffled, here’s one of the many guides to RSS on YouTube. There are hundreds of sites that will educate you on the subject more professionally than I ever could. In fact, I’ll be checking a few out myself so I can refine and make better use of RSS. I’ll do my best to drag myself out from under my technological rock. Promise.