I recently downloaded a copy of Charlie & The Latex Factory, a new novel by my friend, Tessa Ditner. Admittedly, I have only managed to snatch a few moments to read the first couple of chapters but I immediately recognised an incident concerning a character known as ‘The Sensei’ who was tying our heroine to the bannisters at a fetish party.
There’s a striking similarity in some respects to the evening with Tessa at the somewhat chaotic Skin Two Rubber Ball held at the former Sri Lankan embassy some years ago. Some might recall that it was absurdly over-crowded and there seemed to be some issues regarding licences for performing and the serving of alcohol. This caused a certain amount of consternation when council official showed up to make an inspection. The original brief had been to tie various young ladies to the bannisters of the impressive main staircase but security soon put the mockers on this. I could fully appreciate that an obstruction on a busy stone staircase with so many tottering on improbable fetish heels was a recipe for disaster so we retired to the outside of the bottom of the bannisters. Even there, our activities drew such crowds it blocked the hallway and we were constantly interrupted by security because of this or council officials on the prowl.
I must say I did cringe at the point in the book when ‘The Sensei’ claims to have a “doctorate in bondage related injuries” but, hey, that’s artistic license as is him apparently residing in Osaka. The real facts much less glamorous with my accredited qualifications not extending beyond a First Aid course in sports injuries and an irrelevant Social Studies degree. That said, I have done a fair bit of research into bondage related injuries with the help of some very well qualified people like MonsieurP, who not only ties but is also an upper extremity and hand surgeon, and a kinky consultant pathologist. I should point out that I certainly don’t answer to the honorific title of ‘sensei’, I reserve that for those who deserve it. Whether it also departs from fact in the ensuing jacuzzi encounter between my model and the white latex clad admirer, I cannot say. I wasn’t privy to what may or may not have gone on there…and, even if I did know, a gentleman’s lips are always sealed on such matters. You’ll have to ask the author.
Anyway, I have a feeling that there are quite a few other characters and events that readers on the London scene might recognise. Anyway, it is a riotous tale of the trials and tribulations of the heroine as a wannabe journalist who lands a job as an agony aunt for a latex fetish mag juggling city life, relationships and family. I look forward to seeing how it unfolds. You can read more about it here.