Now I have finally overcome the blown Firewire issue with my DV cams, I have been able to capture some video from Boundcon. The first is an ad hoc session I did with the beautiful Aliya from eastern Russia on the British Bondage stage, shot by Boris Mosafir. You will have to forgive the odd wobble in the video but Boris was trying to do his best hand-held amongst a jostling crowd. Believe me, it gets pretty hectic around the stages, especially when there is eye candy like Aliya on display. It is just as well she kept that lacy number on, although it left little to the imagination, or they would have been a riot! As it was a pretty hot session, I haven’t edited it bar adding a black pixelated blob to disguise a crew member who would rather not have his face plastered around the net. Being a gentleman, I won’t repeat what she said afterwards but I took it as something of a supreme compliment to my tying 😉 By the time you read this, it will be up in the video gallery.