Some recent discussions have made me much more aware of how fast things change in our field. New information comes to me daily, especially with the people who pass through this house and the threads in my Fetlife forum. We are all learning (hopefully). Consequently, hard-copy is becoming a poor medium as information is set in stone until one re-prints.
My original DVDs are looking dated as my skills have progressed and knowledge expanded. If I make the best material I can for Ground to Air, it will soon go the same way. In many ways, the faster this were to happen the better as it means I am learning quickly…unless I can’t change it, i.e. it’s committed to DVD. For this reason, I will no longer be using DVDs. In addition, many devices don’t even have DVD players and online viewing is becoming the norm. Another advantage is instant, fool-proof delivery anywhere in the world. No waiting, no postage and no missing or delayed packages.
I have already converted most of Tying People Not Parcels to online video. This time in sparkling HD for even clearer viewing. The next step is to improve some of the tutorials, add additional relevant videos, articles and examples. So, for example, the safety section will now include everything I have written on related subjects, e.g. Nerve Damage Study, updated videos, useful YouTube/Vimeo links, external resources, tests etc.
All new material will be produced in this way. However, it will be presented on the market-leading [Moodle][] platform used by the majority of educational establishments.
This means that it can be constantly updated and enhanced with articles, notes, discussions, special classes, tests etc. Thus, subscribers will have access to the most comprehensive and up-to-date shibari learning resource that has ever been available. Sort of adding real face to face time to the package, I can’t think of a better way to learn. Even face to face, without all the resources that will be available, could be less effective. With this, you will always have consistent reference material and advice, unlike some classes where one can easily go home, forget something vital and assiduously practice mistakes. Perfect practice makes perfect!
Final pricing has not been decided but it will be based on a low cost subscription which will give access to all the material, past, present and future. No more out-dated books or DVDs, no waiting for publication, everything will be at your fingertips in one resource regardless of where you are. Not only that, but we will be able to react to your teaching needs and provide the content that you want through feedback and forums.
As mentioned, so far, I have updated the title pages for the new look and killed the irritating jingle from Tying People Not Parcels. Hopefully, I will complete those today and finish uploading them.
This week I will choose a hosting company to manage and deploy Moodle. It looks fairly straightforward to add the content, although I’m not sure how hard it will be to set up the theme and student enrolement optimally.
I’m hoping I can invite some existing DVD customers for initial testing within a week or so. At first, it will be offered to a few selected testers to get some feedback and de-bug. If that is successful, all existing owners of my DVDs will be offered preferential rates, followed by general sale.
Stage 1:
Phase 1: Upload existing DVDs (Tying people, not parcels)
Phase 2: Deploy Moodle and customise
Phase 3: Testing in-house and by selected users
Phase 4: Add amended and additional content for Tying people, not parcels
Phase 5: Testing in-house and by more selected users
Phase 6: Special offer to all existing owners of my DVDs
Phase 7: Subject to satisfactory results, general release
Stage 2:
TBA but generally this will entail expanding the content with Ground to Air and related material. We hope much of the extra content will be driven by demand.
To boldly teach where no rigger has taught before! It’s shibari tuition, Jim, but not as we know it!