The past month has been hectic. First Sydney and Melbourne, then home for a couple of days. Barely a chance to unpack our bags after catching up with the rope shop orders and other pressing matters, like the non-arrival of crucial documents that we had waited 5 weeks for and were needed for Nina’s Russian visa. This meant dropping my bags off at home and going straight to the bank for alternative documents. On top of that, I had to squeeze in some work for a major league client who must remain nameless; let it suffice to say that this could eclipse the LOVE shoot. Anyway, we got the visa with about half an hour to spare before getting to the airport to leave for St Petersburg for Ropefest.
Our host, Boris Mosafir, who I hope will perform at LFAJRB, did us proud. He whisked us from the airport to a city centre apartment complete with sauna and party size bath, which we were to share with Savalaski, MaestroBD, Bob Ropemarks and Dutch Dame. I’ll be posting more about Ropefest and a host of photos in the next day or two. Here is one of Nina’s shows on the main stage at Ropefest.
We arrived back on the Monday evening but there was little time for rest as we were off to Secret Garden Party to man the S&Mpathy tent. In between, I had to do some more work for ‘THE Client’, discovered my car in bits and not fixed as I had hoped, plus my flat looking like it had been looted as my flat-mate was moving out…and a pile of laundry a mile high and a non-cooperative washing machine. So, on Thursday we set off with a laden motorcycle and darkening skies. Predicably, the heavens opened about halfway there and the battery gave up the ghost in the entry queue. Thankfully, jump leads appeared as if by magic and before long we were safely installed in the S&Mpathy marquee, which was our accommodation until Adam Anarchy showed up with our tent and other luxuries the following day. Within a matter of hours, the marquee was transformed with red and black silk drapes, dungeon kit, two bondage cubes and fairy lights. Precious had rigged up an epic AV system with a huge video screen which he could VJ on. The result would put many brick and mortar fetish clubs to shame, thanks to Angel and Stu’s preparation, planning and hard graft. Although, we had typical British summer weather for the first two days and mud reminiscent of the battle of the Somme, the sun shone from Saturday onwards. Throughout, we had a constant stream of curious newbies regardless of the weather and, I think, quite a number if new converts. I can certainly vouch for the fact that quite a few came away being somewhat surprised how much they liked rope and some even came back for seconds.
Anyway, we are back now. Back orders done but still fighting my way through the rest of the back-log. The next job on the list is some gallery updates. I’m painfully aware that not much has gone up the past few weeks but rest assured I’m about to make it up to you…big style!