I have just added a video of Kazami Ranki’s triple suspension with Gestalta, Nina and Jenis from the end of course party. I had a heart-stopping moment when I deleted it from my SD card prematurely and had to recover it with some rather clever software, Photorec. This seemed to work after several others failed …
We are in the early stages of setting up a show night for shibari fans at the Flying Dutchman in South London, near my studio. In fact, so early that we haven’t even come up with a name for the night. The FD is a fantastic new venue that recently hosted the official Torture Garden …
I will be doing two shows at the Wasteland Party with Ika Noire, my model from LFAJRB. One will be more of a classic Japanese style show and the other will be the polar opposite. Hopefully, we will be able to capture the intensity of our last performance, the first few minutes of which can …