A recent discussion on my Fetlife kinbaku group threw up an interesting misnomer concerning the potential nerve vulnerability on the inner side of the arm. It’s quite possible we were talking at cross purposes but since “The TK” (actually a whole family of ties) is getting some undeservedly bad press, I think it’s worth clarifying where …
In my post entitled ‘Nerve Injury Upper Thigh Numbness‘ , I high-lighted the problems of femoral cutaneous nerve compression from hip harnesses and pressure near the front of the hip bone. In fact, I recently heard of an injury persisting for 6 weeks which I attribute to be caused by being tied over a table with the …
I’ll be talking about rope: what the difference is between various type, choosing the right rope and how to look after it. You might be surprised by some of the facts like how thicker rope can be less safe or how easily rope can break in some situations. RopeJester will be covering my favourite subject, …
I recently received an email from a self-professed “local known expert” and veteran educator of some 20 years experience after making my post asking what could be done, if anything, to protect people from incompetent teachers. His reply was strewn with personal insults and made light of my concerns over nerve damage saying: “Nerve issues …
Although not directly relevant to bondage, it has some quite close parallels since it involves the upper arm and I suspect similar pressure could be exerted by wraps on a box-tie. The lesson that seems to be shown is the importance of the vulnerability of the lower part of the upper arm. I think this …
I recently ran intermediate and advanced courses in which I taught the standard OS TK (actually more correctly called a ‘gote or ‘gote shibari as it does not exhibit the typical ‘high hand’ position) and revised the tie with those who professed to know it. Almost all of those who already had a good idea …