This year we have a truely international line up. Here is the list so far, it is by no means exhaustive. Forgive me if I have missed any names or haven’t added models yet. I’ll update it as information is passed on to me. Above, you can see Ropemarks and Dutch Dame at Ropefest, who …
We delighted to announce that now have confirmation from Kazami Ranki that he will be our star performer at the Festival. The lead-in will be four days of master classes by Kazami commencing Monday, 1 October. Having organised and attended his first series in April, I can tell you that it was extremely well received …
Everyone keeps asking me about this year’s festival. The problem is that Garry, Murakawa and I are the world’s worst procrastinators. Garry has little time as it is as his Lucha Britannia Mexican-style wresting project has become massive and he’s filming with Jonathan Ross. Add to that the fact that Mack has moved house, is …