Don’t hang about if you are thinking of coming to LFAJRB as tickets are selling fast. We have another fantastic line up including the legendary Naka Akira, Osaka mistress Saki Kamijoo, plus the cream of the west’s shibari artists. Japan’s top kinbaku photographer, Sugiura Norio, will be our guest of honour. This will be our fifth and …
After much deliberation, here, in alphabetical order to avoid expressing any favouritism, are the performers for LFAJRB 2013, barring any unexpected cancellations. It’s a lucky coincidence that our star performer’s name starts with an A or I might have had to formulate a different order 🙂 I can’t tell you how tough it has been …
We are now accepting pre-registrations for tickets for the London Festival of the Art of Japanese Bondage. We are doing it this way so we can decide on the number of one and two person tickets to allocate. Your application does not guaranteed tickets. If you are successful, you will be sent a link to …
We delighted to announce that now have confirmation from Kazami Ranki that he will be our star performer at the Festival. The lead-in will be four days of master classes by Kazami commencing Monday, 1 October. Having organised and attended his first series in April, I can tell you that it was extremely well received …
Hot off the press! My ‘Man in Japan’, NuitDeTokyo, has just written to me from Kanna’s studio to say that he “looks very much to be at your festival.“. So, pending dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s, it seems we will have Kanna and, assuming his diary is OK for the first weekend in …
I know everyone is dying for news of the 2012 festival. We have been hanging on to see if Kinoko is available this year but plans to open a new club mean he is unable to commit. However, the latest from him during his classes in Rome is that he will do all he can …
Everyone keeps asking me about this year’s festival. The problem is that Garry, Murakawa and I are the world’s worst procrastinators. Garry has little time as it is as his Lucha Britannia Mexican-style wresting project has become massive and he’s filming with Jonathan Ross. Add to that the fact that Mack has moved house, is …