It’s been an interesting week, apart from the usual grind. I can now add canoes to the list of inanimate objects I have tied which already included handbags, shoes, shop dummies and more parcels than I care to think about. We spent one day creating an installation by suspending a 5m dug-out canoe in the …
Everyone keeps asking me about this year’s festival. The problem is that Garry, Murakawa and I are the world’s worst procrastinators. Garry has little time as it is as his Lucha Britannia Mexican-style wresting project has become massive and he’s filming with Jonathan Ross. Add to that the fact that Mack has moved house, is …
I have just added a video of Kazami Ranki’s triple suspension with Gestalta, Nina and Jenis from the end of course party. I had a heart-stopping moment when I deleted it from my SD card prematurely and had to recover it with some rather clever software, Photorec. This seemed to work after several others failed …