After getting the first batch of my new 5mm Osaka, our first thought was “It’s perfect but we need this in 6mm too”. 11,500m of 6mm arrived Monday and it meets all my expectations. Both the 5mm and 6mm seem to be exact diameters, which is not as usual as one might imagine. I suspect …
Nina and I are still in love the new Asanawa Lite. It looks every bit as good as it did at first sight and the feedback we are getting is endorsing this. “I recently spent the evening at our weekly Schwelle 7 Bondage jam using my new set of your “FeatherLite” Tossa. I must admit …
I recently came across a post on Fetlife entitled ‘Buyer Beware’ and noticed my name in the slug, so opened the thread with some trepidation thinking I might have an unhappy customer. What I found was far from that! It turned out to be somebody asking for feedback about my eBay shop who had had …
No, I’m not referring to the impeding excesses of the festive season. Due to minimum purchase quantities on jute yarn, my supplier has tripled my orders for 5mm tossa and 6mm Asanawa so there will be no shortage in a week or two when it arrives. I have also got 7,500m of 5mm linen coming …
How long is a piece of string? The question I am often asked is what length, type and thickness of rope should I use? If you want a strict answer, kinbaku is typically performed with equal length ropes of 7m-8m. Whilst there may be historical reasons for the length, it is certainly easy to handle …
This section will constantly be updated as I come across new words and get better translations. I welcome input from those better qualified. I would caution about throwing around Japanese words without checking with a Japanese national or other suitably qualified person as to the exact meaning and usage. It is all to easy to …